of Operational Support
The role of Operational Support tends to vary a
little depending on where you are — the needs typically being governed by local
circumstance. Operational Support Personnel are an
‘Operational Support‘ facility (in the dictionary sense of the words) and are
created as a component of the Fire and Emergency New Zealand under the Act. Fire Brigades can use volunteer non-fire fighters
for a variety of tasks, and the role that Operational Support undertakes is
usually a combination of the tasks as defined by Fire and Emergency New Zealand.
Operational Support traditionally carry out tasks
often required in support of the Fire Brigade, without being directly involved
in extinguishing a fire or dealing with any other emergency that the Fire
Service have been called to attend.
They have also been called the Tea and Coffee Brigade but their role is
much wider than that.
therefore, their role is:
Control and Points Duties
Fire and other Emergencies almost
always require some form of traffic management. Fire Appliances are not small vehicles and
simply having one parked outside a building may create a Traffic Hazard. Operational
Support are often called upon to manage a traffic situation — Road Closures, Shunts,
Diversions and Points Duty are used to keep traffic flowing as well as possible
and reduce impact on the public at large.
Control & Scene Safety
Fire and Emergency New Zealand
obviously have safety as a very high priority. Safety of the Fire Crews, other emergency services
personnel and the public is usually an area of responsibility for Operational
Support - Cordons, Scene Protection and of course Traffic related issues being the
major areas involved.
There is often a need to set up
portable lighting equipment at an emergency scene. Operational Support can be utilised in this
role, leaving qualified Fire Fighting personnel free to concentrate on
their other duties for which they are trained.
All Fire and Emergency New Zealand
Personnel are trained in emergency First Aid as a matter of course. Beyond
that, though, in some regions the local Fire Brigade provide a first-response Ambulance
service, mainly in situations where it is likely that Ambulance response would
be delayed, and where that delay would be life—threatening. Co/1st- Responders are trained in first aid
to a higher level than other Fire and Emergency New Zealand personnel, with
training provided by the Ambulance services.
Note: This is usually the case
in rural areas where professional ambulance response is often seriously
delayed, and is a case by case arrangement via a Memorandum of Understanding
between Fire and Emergency and the Ambulance service concerned.
Salvage is the term given to the
art of saving property from Fire, Smoke and Water Damage that tends to go hand in
hand with Firefighting. Being a non-firefighting task, Operational
Support may be trained to assist in the removal or relocation of personal
property, as well as covering items of furniture, appliances etc with Salvage
Sheets if they cannot easily be removed.
Logistics & Coordinated Incident Management System roles
o Communications
and Logistics—related tasks in particular.
o Personnel Resource at all areas of an incident including the
Incident Command Post (ICP)
Whilst not a primary function of
Operational Support, usually basic training in this area is provided in order
that members are prepared to assist as required in an emergency.
A ‘paddling pool‘ type
arrangement put together in a hurry with Ladders, Poles, Sheets and Rope, used
for various cooling purposes such as Gas Cylinders which have been exposed to
fire. They are also used as a water
store in areas without a reticulated supply, being filled from nearby
streams and rivers. Operational Support
may be involved both in the creation of a Portable Dam and in the manning of it
- ensuring it remains full of water.
Operational Support are often
playing the role of ‘Canteen’ or ‘K19’. This may involve anything from
cold-drinks- and biscuits right through to a full meal at a large incident,
depending on local capabilities.
other ancillary duties within the scene of an incident including supporting
victims until the arrival of trained Victim Support persons. As well, being familiar with Incident Ground
protocol, Operational Support often provide a 'go—fer' resource.
Operational Support
may be trained in any combination of the above, depending on local needs. Because of the training and abilities of Operational
Support, and the strong relationship between the Fire and Emergency Service and
the NZ Police, they are often called upon by the Police to provide assistance.